Saturday, October 10, 2009

What could have happened

I'm sorry things had to be this way. I'm sorry that i didn't take the time to get to know you, and that you didn't take the time to get to know me. If i could do it again, i'd do it right. I'm sorry i didn't. Because honestly, i think you're a very interesting person, i think you're a very wonderful person. You're smart, you're talented, you're nice. But these are the things i only notice from the outside. I wonder what else I'd be able to see from a different point of veiw. So I'm sorry that things had to be this way, and I'm sorry we cant just hit replay. I wonder why it ended up like this, probably because of fifth grade. And if i asked to put that behind us, i wonder what you'd say. There are so many things that could of happened, that should of happened. And when i look back on you in the future, ill still be sorry. It should have been different.