Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I can't keep my own secrets - 6 word memoirs by teens

I can't keep my own secrets is a book. It is full of 6 word memois by teens. I'm in it!!!!! yay...but here are some of my favorites....WRITE YOUR!!!!!!!!! oh...and bye the book :)

I never got my Hogwarts letter
- Deanna H

Athiest. So much for Hebrew school.
-Zachary R

My status messages are about you.
-Elissa S

Googled ehat he called me. Ouch.
-Emily L

My mom had my boyfriend deported.
-Candra T

Life's full of akward turtle moments.
-Anna S.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

What could have happened

I'm sorry things had to be this way. I'm sorry that i didn't take the time to get to know you, and that you didn't take the time to get to know me. If i could do it again, i'd do it right. I'm sorry i didn't. Because honestly, i think you're a very interesting person, i think you're a very wonderful person. You're smart, you're talented, you're nice. But these are the things i only notice from the outside. I wonder what else I'd be able to see from a different point of veiw. So I'm sorry that things had to be this way, and I'm sorry we cant just hit replay. I wonder why it ended up like this, probably because of fifth grade. And if i asked to put that behind us, i wonder what you'd say. There are so many things that could of happened, that should of happened. And when i look back on you in the future, ill still be sorry. It should have been different.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Facing the end

Death. It is what we make it, and we make it a cruel and terrible thing. But is it really? Death is sad. It is distruction. It is the end. But it is what it is. Death can also be a beautiful thing. When we look at death from a different percpective, it is almost amazing. I don't mean to be all sick and depressing, but think about it. All endings mean new beginnings. Im not reffering to an after life or anything, but more to a new life. Think of births. For every death there is a birth. For every ending there is a beginning. We all must die. Instead of fearing death, we should live to the fullest. Every moment is a breath of air, every moment is special. And when it comes time to die, we must face it. Head on. Death is the last part of life. It is every bit as beatutiful as every moment of life. The only difference is knowing that there will not be another.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Some random stuff

Hypocracy is what makes this world the disgusting place it is. Not just hypocracy, but when you are a hypocrite to your own mind. Don't be proud of your's making me sick.

On another note.
Maritza, hey. Im really sorry. i have made a policy for myself not to talk to people i don't know personally online. You mom would kill me if she knew. But thanks, and i really appreciate all your comments. You are welcome to still comment.
Sorry! Thanks!

I have this thing. I have an extreme admiration for those who can explain a lot in few words. Not like they leave an annoyed you to digure it out. More that they know the right words to say something. I am not one of these people. I want to be. Another thing these people do, is they don;t talk a lot. They talk when they have something to say. they are careful with their words. They pluck them out carefully, they arrange them in an order, then they let them flow out of their mouths. one by one. i really wish i could be that person.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Why people shouldn't dwell.

Hello again!
Sorry for not posting.
People like to gloat and dwell. They do it all the time. They dwell on the smallest of their problems, on the smallest mistakes, made by themselfs and others. I cannot not say i don't do this. I am as guilty of it an anyone. However, i don't think we should do this. If we let small things pass by us, we can think about the big things. I was in a yoga class once and my teacher was talking about a simular thing. She was talking about things like, when the guy next to you is breathing to hard, and you let it annoy you. Now i don't mean that, because when people breath to loud it is VERY annoying. What i mean is more in a personal way. For one, pick your arguments. Not everything matters. There is not a book saying what does matter, because it is different for everybody. But i can say this much: it doesn't all matter. Another thing is, don't dwell on the past. The past in unimportant and once it becomes past the only thing it can do is destroy you. After you do all the stupid things you did, forget them. Otherwise they will eat you alive. Also it is about other people. The people who you care about i should say (not the breathers) You should obviously think about the people you care about, but again dont dwell. Don't dwell on the stupid things they've said, or the mean things that they did, or the really nice things either. Try to be nice, try to be heard, and don't be afraid to say sorry even if you dont mean it. I mean, if you want an rgument, dont say sorry. Arguments can be fun. But if you don't, or know that its gonna be a stupid mistake to start one, just apologize. Make them happy, so you can be at peace and relax. So what if you don't mean it????? If youre happy and theyre happy, then its all good!
By the way, i know this sounds like a command and like "i know better then you." Its not supposed to. This is all my faulty opinions.