Sunday, May 17, 2009

Facing the end

Death. It is what we make it, and we make it a cruel and terrible thing. But is it really? Death is sad. It is distruction. It is the end. But it is what it is. Death can also be a beautiful thing. When we look at death from a different percpective, it is almost amazing. I don't mean to be all sick and depressing, but think about it. All endings mean new beginnings. Im not reffering to an after life or anything, but more to a new life. Think of births. For every death there is a birth. For every ending there is a beginning. We all must die. Instead of fearing death, we should live to the fullest. Every moment is a breath of air, every moment is special. And when it comes time to die, we must face it. Head on. Death is the last part of life. It is every bit as beatutiful as every moment of life. The only difference is knowing that there will not be another.

1 comment:

  1. Well, death is the most wonderful thing one this earth if you have Christ. Without Him, I agree that it would be horrible, and scary. I personally don't see how you could go through life knowing that you wouldn't get to heaven when you died.
